Working on "F-00": A Game Jam Experience


In this blog post, I share my journey of creating "F-00," a game developed for a recent Game Jam. From initial concept to final submission, I'll walk you through my process, challenges, and lessons I learned along the way. You'll gain insights into the creative and technical aspects of game development and practical tips for managing time and overcoming obstacles during a fast-paced project.

Personal Introduction:

Hello, my glitches, I'm Glitch, an Information Technology Major at Phoenix College. I got my AAS in programming and systems analysis at Estrella Mountain Community College, and this was my very first game jam. In hindsight, I would not have taken as many classes and given myself and my partner more time, but with not knowing what to expect and with the opportunity being presented by my Mentor, I knew I couldn't pass up this opportunity.

2. Project Overview

This was the area in which I really struggled, but at the same time, I learned so much from Triple about planning, building frameworks, and brainstorming. Honestly, I've never worked in a team of 2 before, and it was refreshing. I get lost in the background in larger groups or work alone, so I don't get that direct feedback from a partner. We started off by recreating The classic Super NES game F-0. However, as we researched and I panicked, we scaled the project way back. I should note that being able to freely express ideas was something I'll take with me into my professional experiences and hopefully emulate for others. 

3. Initial Planning and Preparation

  • Conceptualization: Discuss how you came up with the idea for "F-00."
  • Research: Mention any research or inspiration that influenced your project.
  • Tools and Technologies: List the tools, programming languages, and platforms you used (e.g., Unity, Unreal Engine, Blender, etc.).

4. Development Process

  • Phase 1: Pre-Production

    • Idea generation and brainstorming sessions
    • Storyboarding and sketching
    • Creating a project timeline
  • Phase 2: Production

    • Coding: Challenges and solutions you encountered while programming the game.
    • Design: The design process, including character design, level design, and UI/UX considerations.
    • Artwork and Assets: Creating or sourcing game assets such as graphics, sounds, and music.
  • Phase 3: Testing and Iteration

    • Playtesting: How you tested the game and gathered feedback.
    • Iterative improvements: Changes and adjustments made based on feedback.

5. Challenges and Solutions

  • Technical Challenges: Discuss any coding or technical issues you faced and how you resolved them.
  • Design Challenges: Share design-related obstacles and your solutions.
  • Time Management: How you managed your time and stayed on track during the Game Jam.

6. Final Product and Submission

  • Presentation: How you packaged and presented the final game for submission.
  • Feedback and Reception: Share feedback from the Game Jam community, including any ratings or comments your project received.

7. Post-Game Jam Reflections

  • What Went Well: Highlight the successes and positive aspects of the project.
  • Lessons Learned: Reflect on what you learned from this experience and how it will inform your future projects.
  • Future Plans: Discuss any plans for further development of "F-00" or new projects you are excited to start.

8. Conclusion

  • Closing Thoughts: Summarize your experience and thank anyone who helped or supported you.
  • Call to Action: Encourage readers to play "F-00" and provide feedback. Invite them to follow your blog for more updates and future projects.

9. Additional Resources

  • Links: Provide links to the game, your portfolio, social media, and any resources or tools you mentioned in the post.
  • Contact Information: How readers can reach out to you for collaborations, feedback, or questions.

"Give it a go and see how high you can score!"


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